22 November 2010

The wise words of Anna Dello Russo

 "Now begins the critical period for
They involving not only the family and
friends, as well as formal events.
I'm going to remember you my
10 RULES to be always on TOP!
1. Don't wear RED or GREEN outfits.
You will look alike a  Christmas tree.

2. Forget any COATS
(also if outside it's only 5 degrees).
You should make a big impact
just with your dress.

3. Choose a GOLD.
You will emphasize the idea
to be a Christmas GIFT to unwrap.

4. Go to the hairdresser, facial,
manicure and pedicure.
Don't be worry to be OVER-DONE! 

5. Choose between HAT and MAKEUP,
if you wear a hat keep fresh face
otherwise you will looks like a transvestite.

6. Wearing lots of JEWELLERY.
the sound of JEWELLERY banish
bad thoughts and bad ghosts.

7. Focus on the SHOES.
Generally at Christmas party you spend
a lot of time seated on the sofa.

8. Shoes have to carry all the magical
atmosphere of Christmas:
Choose sparkling, shiny, eccentric, metallic, decorative, precious, brocade, extravagant, color-full, magnificent, enchanting, 

9. Don't be worry about your BAG,
you immediately will forget it on some chairs.

10.  Don't throw yourself on the drinks
and on the food.
It's not POLITE!


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